Register Autopilot Devices: AutopilotOOBE

In a previous post I wrote about how to Register Autopilot Devices using the Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo script:

But, typing out all the powershell commands, GroupTags, and Machine names takes time. The other issue is the possibility of typing errors. So what if we had a GUI that we could configure settings for, that utilizes the Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo to Register Devices?

Additional Information


AutopilotOOBE is used to manually register a Device in Intune Autopilot. It is intended to run in OOBE (Out of Box Experience) by Client Support as a “friendly” method to use Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo

David Segura

So while running in OOBE, the AutopilotOOBE psmodule gives you a GUI to manually register a Device in Intune Autopilot. AutopilotOOBE takes your inputs in the GUI and passes the parameters to the ‘Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo’ script.

I won’t go through all the specifics of AutopilotOOBE as the documentation does a great job of that. But lets run through how to manually run AutopilotOOBE from a device sitting at the OOBE.


Lets install and run the module

  1. From the OOBE, Press (Shift+F10)
  2. Within the cmd, type:
BAT (Batchfile)
  1. Set the execution policy by typing:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
  1. Install the ‘AutopilotOOBE’ psmodule
Install-Module -Name AutopilotOOBE
  • Optional: As of this posting 1/17/2024
    • The current version on PSGallery is – Powershell Gallery | AutopilotOOBE but this version does not have the ‘AssignedUser’ option available.
    • If you want the ‘AssignedUser’ option, the previous version has it. Install this version using the command below.
Start-AutopilotOOBE -Name AutopilotOOBE -RequiredVersion
  1. After the module has been installed, Start-AutopilotOOBE

What options are available?

I won’t cover everything here, but the major ones are:

  1. GroupTag
    • Group Tag you want to apply to the Autopilot Device
  2. AssignedUser
    • Assign the device to a user so that their information is pre-filled during Autopilot Setup
  3. AssignedComputerName
    • Device Name you want configured during Autopilot Setup

Registering Device

After you have entered all the information that you need within the GUI:

  1. Select ‘Register’
  1. The information you entered will be passed as a Parameter to the ‘Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo’ script
  1. Authenticate at the Prompt
    • A Microsoft Authentication prompt will appear. Use an account with permissions to import Windows Autopilot devices.
  1. After successfully authenticating, the process will start
    • The script will Import the Device first, then perform a Device Sync.
    • If you selected the ‘Assign’ checkbox, the script will wait for the assignment to complete.


  • On the next restart of the machine, the computer will check for updates.
    • During this process, the computer will download the Autopilot Profile, and then restart one more time.
  • After the restart, the AutoPilot profile should be loaded.

Next Steps?

In future a post(s) we’ll talk about adding this to your ConfigMgr Task Sequence as a CMD file make it easier for Techs to run.

  • More Information:

Autopilot CMD – AutopilotOOBE (

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